PHYS 4031/5031: Electricity & Magnetism (Fall 2018)
Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to become familiar with basic concepts of electricity and magnetism in vacuum and simple dielectric media. The course material roughly corresponds to Chapters 1-6 of Griffiths's Introduction to Electrodynamics. This course will include three weekly lectures, frequent in-class group assignments, and roughly weekly homework assignments.Course information will primarily be distributed in class, though homework assignments will also be posted here.
The course catalog description for PHYS 4031 can be accessed here.
Course Materials
Syllabus (also contains the course schedule)Required Textbook: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th or 3rd edition, David J. Griffiths (1999)
- Homework 1 (due Friday Sept. 7)
- Homework 2 (due Friday Sept. 14)
- Homework 3 (due Monday Oct. 1)
- Homework 4 (due Friday Oct. 19)
- Homework 5 (due Friday Nov. 16)
- Homework 6 (due Friday Nov. 30)
- Homework 7 (due Friday Dec. 7)
Academic Honesty
This goes without saying … but I'll say it anyways: you are expected to act in an academically honest fashion. This means abiding by the Ohio University Honor Code and adhering to the Code of Conduct.If you have any concerns as to what does or does not constitute academic dishonesty (e.g. sharing work on homework assignments), please don't hesitate to ask me.