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Accelerator Operation Handbook Wiki

Devon Jacobs 2009/03/04 14:05

Hello, welcome to the Ohio University Edwards Accelerator Laboratory accelerator operations handbook wiki.


Shift Change of Operator

Interlock Rules

General Safe Operating Procedures

  • See Sections III, IV, V, and VI of the Radiation Safety Handbook

Source Instructions

Accelerator Operation

Beam Operations

Facility Shutdown


Lab Safety & Warning Alarm Systems

Fire Alarm Systems

Power Failures

Chemical & Radiation Emergencies

  • See Section VIII of the Radiation Safety Handbook

Tritium Emergency

  • See Appendix 24 of the Radiation Safety Handbook

Training Flow and Documentation

Ohio Administrative Code and OUAL Compliance Statements

Accelerator Personnel Classifications

Control Room Books

start.1329349361.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/02/15 18:42 by jacobs