PHYS 7501: Particles and Nuclei I (Fall 2017)

Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to review major topics in low-energy nuclear physics, emphasizing connections to contemporary research. This will include twice weekly lectures, each of which will involve group activities, and homework assignments roughly every other week. In addition, each student will engage in a semester-long research project culminating in a mini-review paper and an associated short prsentation.Course information, such as lectures, assignments, and supplementary material will be posted here. Check back throughout the semester.
The course catalog description for PHYS 7501 can be accessed here.

Course Materials
SyllabusCourse Schedule, Lectures, and Assignments
Possible topics for papers and presentations
- Quantum Mechanics for Engineers, L. van Dommelen (2012)
- Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Nuclear Physics for Engineers, A. Bielajew (2014)
- Lecture Notes in Nuclear Structure Physics, B.A. Brown (2005)
- Closed source texts which the course will rely on include:
- Primary Text: Modern Nuclear Chemistry by Loveland, Morrissey, and Seaborg (2006)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics by B.R. Martin (2009)
- Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Chemistry by B. Harvey (1962)
- The Atomic Nucleus by R. Evans (1955)
- Nuclear Structure by Bohr and Mottelson (1969)
- Nuclear Structure from a Simple Perspective by R. Casten (1990)
- Introductory Nuclear Physics by K.S. Krane (1988)
- Nuclear Physics of Stars by C. Iliadis (2007)
- Cauldrons in the Cosmos by Rolfs and Rodney (1988)
- Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics by Thompson and Nunes (2009)
Grading rubrics for
Mini-review article examples
- Nuclear Astrophysics Mini-Review (Note that this is roughly half of your target length)
- Edwards Accelerator Lab Mini-Review (Note that this is roughly half of your target length)
Presentation example for
- DNP-style 10min talk
- My advice on scientific presentations
- Rules for Oral Presentations by H. Schatz (MSU/NSCL)
- "The Physics of Physics Colloquia" by J. Kakalios
- "How to Give a Dynamic Scientific Presentation" by M. Larkin
- Advice on how not to use PowerPoint from K. Park in the Washington Post
- PRC Template: Tarball you could use to create your final report. Note that you must have installed RevTex4-1.
- Alternatively, you could think about using Overleaf, which has ready-to-go templates for many journal article styles.
General Information

Academic Honesty
This goes without saying … but I'll say it anyways: you are expected to act in an academically honest fashion. This means abiding by the Ohio University Honor Code and adhering to the Code of Conduct.If you have any concerns as to what does or does not constitute academic dishonesty (e.g. paraphrasing prior publications your review paper, sharing work on homework assignments), please don't hesitate to ask me.