Nucleon Electro-Weak Structure (NEWS) studies at Ohio University

Students' opportunities

For undergraduate students:
Prof. Roche and King provide research opportunities for students to work both on the Athens campus and at Jefferson Laboratory. They are looking for summer interns as well as students working a few hours a week during the academic year. The proposed research projects will be focused on hardware, software or a combination of both. In some case students can be involved in the data taking of on-going experiments at JLab. The main focus is to gain experience by participating in research and getting to know professional physicists.

Here are a few examples of the work performed by interns in the group: Z. Bernens, J. Theibert, M. Gomez. K. Holmes, R. Radloff. Undergraduate students have written their undergraduate Honor Thesis based on their work with us. For example read R. Radloff's thesis.

For graduate students:
Prof. Roche and King's group is funded to support the work of graduate students working on their PhD or their Master. Please feel free to contact us, or just drop by our office, to discuss opportunities for graduate research in nuclear physics at JLab.

Here are a few examples of the work performed by graduate students with the group: N. Israel, R. Beminiwattha. To consult their thesis, go to this page and read below.

For non-OHIO U students (for example French Master students):
Prof Roche welcomes application of international students for summer research experience. For example, she will work with students on longer intership as part of the French Master diploma. Please contact me for discussing topics. Be advised that for an internship starting in April, one should start the visa process by the end January at the very last. Here is the report wrotten by P. Pichard (2023) a Master student from Nantes Universite.

The lists below intent to give an idea of objective achievements attained by students while working with our group. This list goes back to 2012 and was last updated in Spring 2015.

  • Peer review publication
    • -D. Wang et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa) Measurement of parity violation in electron–quark scattering, Nature 506 (2014) 67-70
    • - D. Androic et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa) First Determination of the Weak Charge of the Proton, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 141803
    • -D. Wang et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa) Measurement of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Electron-Deuteron Scattering in the Nucleon Resonance Region, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 082501
    • -S. Abrahamyan et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa) New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei, Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) 192501
    • -S. Abrahamyan et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee and B. Waidyawansa) Measurement of the Neutron Radius of 208Pb Through Parity-Violation in Electron Scattering, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 112502
    • -Z. Ahmed et al. (including R. Beminiwattha, P.M. King, J.H. Lee, J. Roche and B. Waidyawansa) New Precision Limit on the Strange Vector Form Factors of the Proton, Phys.Rev.Lett. 108 (2012) 102001
  • Talk/poster/defense:
    • * July 2013: B. Waidyawansa successfully defends her PhD thesis during her 6th year in the OU graduate program. In August, Buddhini will join the physics division at JLab to work on preparations of 12 GeV experiment.
  • * May 2013: Waidyawansa presents her work at the annual JLab user group poster competition and wins first place.
  • * April 2013: R. Beminiwattha successfully defends his PhD thesis during his 6th year in the OU graduate program. Right after the defense, Rakitha joins the group of Prof. Souder at Syracuse University to work on PVES experiments at JLab.
  • * June 2012: R. Beminiwattha and B. Waidyawansa, each present their work at the internation CIPANP 2012 conference.