Nucleon Electro-Weak Structure (NEWS) studies at Ohio University

  • August 2020:
    • * King gives a talk titled "??" at the Moller director's review.
  • July 2020:
    • * King gives a talk titled "TDIS DAQ and trigger development" at the TDIS collaboration meeting review.
  • May 2020:
    • * King gives a talk titled "Moller DAQ" at the Moller collaboration meeting review.
  • March 2020:
    • * Karki defends his Ph.D. thesis titled: "Deep exclusive π0 electroproduction measured in Hall A at Jefferson Lab with the upgraded CEBAF"
    • * Radloff defends his Thesis Prospectus.
  • February 2020:
    • * Roche presents an invited colloquiun at the College of William and Mary. The talk was titled "Buidling a tomographic image of the proton".
    • * Roche and Murphy attend the NPS collaboration meeting. Murphy presents a talk on Elastic Calibration of the NPS calorimeter.
    • * Roche, Karki and Murphy attend the DVCS/Hall A collaboration meeting. Karki presents a talk titled: "Update on DVCS3 experiment in Hall A, JLab"
  • January 2020:
    • * Karki attends the Hall A winter collaboration meeting and presents a talk titled : "Exclusive neutral pion electro-production at Hall A JLab".
    • * Roche co-auhtors a paper in Nature Physics titled "Deeply virtual Compton scattering off the neutron" M. Benali and the Hall A DVCS collaboration


  • December 2019:
    • * King gives a talk titled " Data aquisition and online analysis" at the Moller design review.
  • November 2019:
    • * King presents a colloquium titled "Scattering electrons and neutron starts: PREXII & CREX @Jefferson Lab" at Western Kentucky University
    • * Karki, King, Murphy and Roche participate to the Physics and Astronomy department Open House
  • October 2019:
    • * King presents a talk titled "Moller DAQ" at the Moller collaboration meeting
    • * King and Roche co-authored an article titled "Parity-Violating Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering at Low Q2 Above the Resonance Region"
    • * Roche and Karki attend the Fall 2019 DNP meeting (Arlington, Va). Roche gave an invited talk titled: "Precision studies of the DVCS process at JLab". Karki presents a talk titeld "Exclusive electroproduction of pions at Hall A, Jefferson Lab"
    • August 2019:
      • *Roche attends HIX2019 (Crete, Greece) and gives an invited talk titled "JLab Hall A DVCS measurements".
    • July 2019:
      • *Roche and King attend INPC2019 (Glasgow, Scotlan). Roche gives an invited talk titled "Experimental study of generalised parton distributions", King presents a talk titled ???
    • June 2019:
      • *Roche presents an invited talk about DVCS resutls at the Hall A/C summer meeting. King organized the Hall A/C summer meeting.
      • *Roche chairs the semi-annual meeting of JLUO BoD at Jlab.
      • *Roche visits DOE with a delegation of the JLUO BoD to advocate for strong support of physics at JLab
      • *Karki presents a talk about DVCS at the MENU conference in Pitsburgh web site
    • April 2019:
      • *Roche goes to the APS-APril meeting in Denvers.She chairs (and organized) a session about "Early results for JLab 12 GeV results", she chairs (and organized) the sattelite meeting of the JLUO meeting. She took part to the meetign the the DNP executive commitee.
    • January 2019:
      • *King and Raddlof move to Jlab to prepare and run PREX/CREX


    • November 2018:
      • * Lyric Jones starts to work with the group testing NPS bases.
      • * King and Radllof attend the collaboration meeting of the PREX-CREX collaboration, King presents a talk titled ????? TBU
      • *Roche represents the JLUO board at the Fall meeting of the JSA.
      • October 2018:
        • * Roche goes to the DNP-JPS Fall meeting in Waikoloa HW. She presents a talk titled " Exclusive neutral pion electro-production cross-sections from experiment E12-06-114 at JLab 12 GeV ", she chaired a session and cahired the sattelite meeting of the JLab User Organization (35 participants)
        • * Roche and King participate to the Adopt a Physicist program (3 weeks, Roche -78 entries, King 35 entries)
      • August 2018:
        • * Radloff succesfully defends his Master thesis titled: ????? TBU
        • July 2018:
          • * King and Raddlof at the PREX/CREX coll meeting. King presents a talk about JAPAN.
          • * Dlamini succesfully defends his thesis on July 26
          • * Roche visits DOE with other members of the JLUO Bod (07-23). We met with Tim Halman, Gulshan Rai, Manouchehr Farkhondeh, James Sowinski, and Paul Sorenson. We discussed issues related to Jefferson Lab, including science output, beam time, the 12 GeV upgrade, and user concerns.
          • * Roche represents users at the JLAB PAC46.
          • June 2018:
            • *Karki attends the NNPS school at Yale
            • *Roche and Raddlof attend the JLab user group meeting. This meeting was organized by Roche
            • *Raddlof and King attend the Hall A-C colaboration meeting
            • *Boyd, Eshbaugh, Vallee visit JLab for one day
            • *Roche attend the meeting of the JLab User group board of director, she becomes chair of that group.
            • *King is nominated Chair od the Hall A coordinating Commitee
            • *King takes data at Los Alamos for the Noprex experiment
            • * Roche presents and Invited talk at the Next-generation GPD studies with exclusive meson production at the EIC. slides, workshop webpage.
            • *Boyd, Eshbaugh, Vallee start their 8 week internship witht he group.
          • May 2018:
            • * QWEAK publishes in Nature. here
            • April 2018:
              • *Roche takes shifts for tritium suite of experiments in Hall A
              • *Anik Mahmudul Hasan defends his Master thesis. Thesis document
              • *Roche presents an invited talk at the April APS meeting. slides
              • *Roche attends the DNP program commitee meeting
            • January 2018:
              • *Karki presents an invited talk on DVCS at the Hall A winter collaboration meeting. here
              • *Karki, Dlamini and Roche attend the DVCS collaboration meeting. Kakri and Dlamini each present a talk.


              • November 2017
                • * G. Hamad defends her Master thesis entitled "Using the R-function to study the High-Resolution Spectrometer (HRS) acceptance for the 12 GeV era experiment E12-06-114 at JLAB", Thesis document
              • September 2017
                • * King presents the QWEAK final result at Hadron 2017 in Salamanca, Spain.
                • * Karki defends his prospectus titled :"Deeply Virtutal Compton Scattering (DVCS) with JLab at 12 GeV". here
                • * Roche presents an invited talk at the INT prorgam on "Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei". Roche's talk was titled: "L/T and flavor separation in pi0 electroproduction". Here are her slides.
              • June 2017
                • * Karki attends HUGS, the JLab advanced graduate summer schools (3 weeks) with a grant from the school.
                • * Roche and Hamad attend the Annual JLab user group meeting. Hamad presents a poster on her work while Roche chairs a session. Roche also attends the JLab user group Board of director meeting. At this meeting she became the chair-elect of that organization.
              • May 2017
                • * G. Hamad and J. Roche volunteer at the Ohio U. Tech Savvy event. Tech Savvy at Ohio U
                • * G. Hamad presents a poster about her research first at the Student research expo at Ohio U and then at the Spring meeting of the Ohio Section of the APS. the poster
              • January 2017
                • * B. Karki presents a contributed talk to the APS March meeting help in Washington DC. slides
                • * Dlamini, Karki and Roche attend the 2017 DVCS collaboration meeting. Dlamini and Karki each present 2 talks. Hamad presents a talk remotly. Conference web site


              • November 2016
              • October 2016
                • * Roche participates to the "Adopt a Physicist web forum"
                • * Roche presents an invited talk titled "Nucleon spatial imaging" at the DNP Fall meeting in Vancouver.
              • September 2016
                • * M. Dlamini, B. Karki and P. King relocate to the JLab campus to take part to the DVCS3 data taking. They will be back on the OU campus by the end of December.
                • * P. King presents at talk titled "Wien0 blinding term cross-check" at the QWEAK collaboration meeting
                • * Roche presents a talk titled "Wrestling with the strongest force of the universe" to the OU SPS chapter.
              • July 2016
                • * G. Hamad joins the group and start working of the evaluation of the acceptance of the LHRS for the DVCS3 data taken recently.
                • * Dlamini, Karki and Roche attend the 2016 Photo-nuclear reaction conference. Roche was the vice-chair, Dlamini presented a poster on his research. Roche also moderated a Power Hour (informal and optional meeting to discuss the status of women in the community, ~35 participants)
              • June 2016
                • * Dlamini presents the status of the DVCS experiment at the Hall A summer collaboration meeting.
                • * Roche teaches at HUGS2016 ( her class).
              • May 2016
                • * P. King presents a talk titled "Analysis Topic Roundup" at the QWEAK collaboration meeting.
                • *R. Radloff (QWEAK) and Z. Bernens (DVCS) start their summer internship with the group.
              • April 2016
                • * King attends the MOELLER collaboration meeting.
                • * Roche and King learn that their three year research proposal was accepted by NSF: yeah !!
                • * April 20: end of the winter 2016 data taking for DVCS. Karki, Mongi and Roche moved back to the Athens Campus. They were at JLab since January.
                • * Radloff's undergraduate honor thesis is accepted in advance of his impending graduation: congrats Robert! Honor thesis
                • * Dlamini presents a talk titled:"The Spring 2016 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) Run (E12-06-114) in Hall A of TJNAF" at the April meeting of the APS meeting (Salt Lake city). talk
              • March 2016
              • February 2016
                • * King takes part to the QWEAK collaboration meeting (Feb 12-13).
              • January 2016
                • * Dlamini presents a talk titled "DVCS status" about the plan of the DVCS collaboration for the upcoming data taking.
                • * Dlamini and Karki move to the JLab campus for 4 months to take the DVCS3 data. Roche goes back and forth between Athens and JLab.
                • * Roche presents a poster at the CUWIP grad fair organized by JLab and ODU.
                • * Roche is part of the low energy nuclear physics faculty search of the P&A department.


              • November 2015
                • * Dlamini, Karki, King and Roche take part to the departmental open house. WIPHA poster for Roche.
                • * Roche represents OU at the JSA program committee Fall meeting.
                • * Roche and King submit their 3 year grant proposal to NSF.
              • October 2015
                • * Roche takes part to the OU PURF evaluation exercise.
                • * Start of Roche's NSF-MRI grant titled: "MRI Consortium: Development of a Neutral Particle Spectrometer to Investigate the Quark Structure of the Proton at Jlab 12GeV" Yeah!!
                • * Roche and King take part to the Fall 2015 session of the "Adopt a Physicist" program.
                • * Roche takes part to the Fall meeting of the OSAPS in Cleveland State U.
              • September 2015
                • * Roche presents the activities of the group at the INPP open house.
                • * Dlamini returns to Athens after a 20 months extended stay at JLab.
                • * Roche takes part to the PhD defense committee of C. Desnault, U. of Paris XI, Orsay France.
                • * King takes part to an INT workshop titled "QCD for New Physics at the Precision Frontier" and presents a seminar.
              • July 2015
                • * Roche presents a status report on the DVCS 2014-15 experiment at the Hall A/c summer meeting.
              • June 2015
                • * M. Scott joins our group for a summer internship to work on QWeak simulation.
                • * Daumy, Dlamini, King, Roche and Theibert take part to the 2015 annual meeting of the JLab user group.
                • * Dlamini takes part to the HUGS summer school at JLab.
              • May 2015
                • * Roche takes part to the JSA graduate fellowship committee.
                • * Roche facilitates the physics workshop of the TECHSAVVY at Ohio University outreach program. The workshop was titled "Measuring tiny things".
                • * King takes part to the QWEAK collaboration meeting at JLab.
                • * B. Karki and J. Theibert stat their summer internship with the group. Karki works on simulation of the Jef project at JLab while Theibert works on a simulation project related to the DVCS trigger.
                • * Roche presents an invited talk at the Few Body 21 conference in Chicago. Her talk was titled: "Precision studies of the DVCS process at JLab".
                • *The QWEAK NIM papers is published. paper
              • April 2015
                • * G. Daumy starts his 3 months internship with the group. Daumy is a visting student from University of Nantes in France. Daumy works on the analysis of DIS data taken during the Fall of 2014 concurrently to the DVCS data.
              • March 2015
                • *King takes part to the March 2015 qweak collaboration and presents a talk titled "Main detector PMT Double Differences summary".
                • *Roche takes part to the OSAPS meeting in Kent OH. She was elected to the executive committee of the group as member at large this month. meeting web page
              • February 2015
                • *Roche participates to meeting of the 2015 Committee of Visitor of the Physics Division of NSF (Report).
                • *Dlamini successfully defends his prospectus (Report). Well done !


              • December 2014 :
                • * Dlamini presents the status of the DVCS3 experiment at the Hall A winter collaboration meeting (slides).
              • August 2014 :
                • * King and Roche both present contributed talk at the PANIC2014 conference. King's talk is titled "The Qweak Experiment: First Determination of the Weak Charge of the Proton". Roche's one is titled:"Future precision studies of the DVCS process at JLab".
                • * Israel successfully defend his master thesis titled: "Commissioning of the Trigger for the 12 GeV era experiment E12-06-114 at JLab".
                • * Roche presents an invited talk titled "DVCS in the valence region" at the 2014 Photo-nuclear reaction Gordon conference. And gets elected chair for the 2016 edition of that conference.
              • July 2014 :
                  * Undergraduate students K. Holmes (DVCS), R. Radloff (DVCS) and M. Gomez (TDIS) join the group at JLab for summer internships.
              • June 2014 :
              • May 2014:
              • * Dlamini and Israel participate to JLab open house.
              • April 2014:
              • March 2014:
                • * Paul King presents a talk title "Getting to the final asymmetry" at the March 2014 QWEAK collaboration meeting (G. Washington Uni.)
              • January 2014:
                • * King presents an invited talk titled :"Kinematics for Spectator Tagging for the Sullivan Process at Jefferson Lab at 11 GeV" at the Exploring Hadron Structure with Tagged Structure Functions workshop held at JLab (Va).
                • * Mongi Dlamini, Norman Israel and Julie Roche relocate for to the JLab campus in Virginia in preparation to their DVCS data taking schedule in the Fall of 2014.


              • December 2013:
                • * Mongi Dlamini, Norman Israel and Julie Roche attend on the same week the Hall A collaboration (at JLab) and the DVCS collaboration (at ODU). Dlamini and Israel present their work at the DVCS collaboration meeting. Roche is one of the organizer of the Hall A collaboration meeting.
              • November 2013:
                • * Roche participates to the OU Dpt of Physics and Astronomy Open house, she hosts the Cosmic rays stand.
              • August 2013:
                • * Mongi Dlamini starts working with our group as a Phd student.
              • July 2013:
                • * Norman Israel starts working wit our group and preparing his master thesis.
                • * Tyler Coy and Justin Hunneshagen, both undergraduate students at OU, finish their two month summer internship with our group. Both worked at JLab. Tyler worked on simulations for a possible new experiment studying the pion structure function while Justin worked on hardware projects related to the refurbishing of the HRS in Hall A.
                • * B. Waidyawansa successfully defends her PhD thesis titled: A 3% Measurement of the Beam Normal Single Spin Asymmetry in Forward Angle Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering using the Qweak Setup. In August, Buddhini will join the physics division at JLab to work on preparations of 12 GeV experiment.
              • June 2013:
                • * The JLab PAC40 approves J. Roche and collaborators proposal for measuring DVCS cross-section in HallC with scientific rating A. Experiment E12-13-010 will take data in ... 2020 (maybe).
              • May 2013:
                • * Waidyawansa presents a her work at the annual JLab user group poster competition and wins first place. Well done !
                • * Roche receives notice of support for her upcoming sabbatical leave at JLab. The support is provided by the JSA as part of their Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program. Roche will work on the initial data taking for the DVCS experiment E12-06-114 (yeah!!!).
                • * Norman Israel joins our group. He will work toward a Master diploma using DVCS as research topic.
                • * Roche and King receive notice of funding from NSF for another 3 years (yeah!!)
              • April 2013:


              • November 2012:
                • * Multiple talks by members of the group at the Qweak collaboration meeting. R. Beminiwattha presents a talk titled: "The Total Neutral Background Dilution Results", while B. Waidyawansa presents a talk titled: "Elastic Transverse Analysis Updates".
                • * Roche attends the 2012 DVCS collaboration in Orsay (France).
              • September 2012:
                • * King presents a talk titled "DAQ and Analysis thoughts for MOLLER" at the Moeller collaboration meeting. Roche attends the meeting.
                • * Roche presents an invited talk titled: "So they found the Higgs, now what? How I search for Physics beyond the Standard Model", at the SETGO program at Bowling Green University.
              • August 2012:
                Multiple talks by members of the group at the Qweak collaboration meeting. R. Beminiwattha presents a talk titled: "Run1: Pass4b Data Overview", while P. King presents a talk titled: "Overall analysis overview".
              • June 2012:
              • -May 18, 2012: End of the QWEAK experiment... onto the analysis.
              • -May 14, 2012: Multiple presentations by members of the group at the QWEAK collaboration meeting P. King: "Current data regression technique & capabilities", R. Beminiwattha: "Run2 Møller Polarimetry Status", B. Waidyawansa: "Preliminary BNSSA results from Qweak Experiment"
              • -April 25, 2012:M. Ihaddadene joins the group for a summer internship. He will work on the analysis of the DVCS 2010 data until the end of July 2012.
              • -April 16-20, 2012: P. King and J. Roche present (each) a talk at QNP2012. Roche's talk was titled "The DVCS program in Hall A at Jefferson Lab", while King's talk was titled "QWEAK at Jefferson Lab".
              • -March 29, 2012: Roche takes part to the SURA board of trustees meeting and meeting of the standing committees. Ohio University joined the association in November 2011.
              • -February 12-14, 2012:Multiple presentations by members of the group at the QWEAK collaboration meeting P. King: "Online software status and issues", B. Waidyawansa: "Transverse Analysis Updates", R. Beminiwattha: "Event Cuts and Effect on Linear Regression".


              • October 26-29, 2011: R. Beminiwattha presents a talk titled: "The Qweak Experiment: A Search for New Physics at the TeV Scale via a Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge" at the Fall 2011 meeting of the DNP.
              • -October 16 and 17, 2011: Multiple presentations by members of the group at the QWEAK collaboration meeting B. Waidyawansa: "Residual Transverse Polarization in Run I", R. Beminiwattha:"Soft backgrounds results", P. King: "Online software tools" and JH Lee: "DAQ/run control upgrades".
              • -September 30, 2011: J. Roche presents a colloquium titled Qweak: a search for physics beyond the Standard Model at Ohio University.
              • -September 30, 2011: B. Waidyawansa presents a talk titled: "Preliminary Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetry results from Qweak Run I" at The 5th Canadian-American-Mexican Graduate Student Physics Conference (Washington DC).
              • -August 26, 2011: the JLab PAC 38 gives highest possible mark to Roche's next experiment on DVCS and grants it 100 days of running (all of what was requested). This experiment will run with the upgraded 12 GeV beam at JLab and is expected to run in 2015 (TBC).
              • -August 25, 2011: JH Lee presents an invited plenary talk titled "The Qweak : Precision Measurement of the Proton’s Weak Charge by Parity Violating Experiment" at the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics and wins the Outstanding Young Scientist Presentation Award of that meeting. Well done !
              • -June 22-24, 2011: Multiple presentations by members of the group at the QWEAK collaboration meeting (R. Beminiwattha: Moeller polarimetry, Hydrogen asymmetries : cut and data quality; P. King: "Pass 3" data respin, Hydrogen asymmetries, Analysis Workshop Report ; JH Lee: DAQ and online software; B. Waidyawansa: Transverse asymmetry).
              • -June 16-17, 2011: P. King organizes and leads a QWEAK analysis workshop. Attended by 15-20 collaborators.
              • -June 9, 2011: J. Roche presents the status of the analysis of the DVCS/Hall A at the Hall A collaboration meeting.
              • -May 13, 2011: JH Lee presents a poster at the Ohio University research fair: The Qweak : Measuring the Weak Charge of the Proton by Parity Violating Experiment (Poster)


              • - Sept 27 to Dec 23, 2010: Roche and collaborators take data for the DVCS experiment at JLab.
              • - October 2010: King presents at talk titled "QWEAK at Jefferson Lab: A Precision Measurement of the Proton's Weak Charge" at the 3rd International Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics with CEBAF at Jefferson Lab.
              • - July 2010: QWEAK data taking starts.
              • - June 28 to August 13, 2010: Undergraduate J. Kaisen joins the group for a summer internship at JLab working on Qweak beamline commissioning.
              • - August 2010: Roche presents a talk titled "DVCS" at the 2010 Gordon conference on photo-nuclear reactions.
              • - May 2010: Roche and King receive notice of funding from NSF for another 3 years (yeah!!)
              • - February 2010: Graduate student B. Waidyawansa and R. Beminiwattha present their research work at the APS April meeting in Washington, DC.
              • - January 2010: Qweak experiment installation starts, first beam on target is scheduled for the end of May 2010. The data taking is expected to last 2 years (up to June 2012)


              • - 12-03-09: Graduate student R. Beminiwattha successfully defends his thesis prospectus titled:"QWeak: a measurement of the proton's weak charge"
              • - 12-02-09: Graduate student B. Waidyawansa successfully defends her thesis prospectus titled:"The QWeak experiment: Searching for Physics beyond the Standard Model by a measurement of the weak charge of the proton"
              • - 10-27-09: Postdoctoral Fellow J H. Lee presents results of his thesis work at the INPP seminar. The title of his talk is "Electron Beam Control System and Scintillating Fiber Detector for the A4 Compton Polarimeter at Mainz Microtron"
              • - 09-09: The G0 collaboration releases results of the backward angle analysis (ArXiv entry). Results are published under the reference PRL 104 (2010) 012001
              • - 05-01-09: Postdoctoral Fellow J H. Lee starts working with our group.

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