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picture 228x312

Caption -- The Ohio University Edwards Accelerator Laboratory    4.5 Million Volt tandem accelerator.


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DAQ is a data acquisition software suite that has been developed at the Edwards Accelerator Laboratory located at Ohio University.  This software has been under continuous development since the early 1990's.  The design concepts for DAQ were also used earlier on in-house built computers used at the laboratory dating back to the mid 1970's when similar code was developed for data acquisition.  These earlier codes were written in assembler language and were used until the advent of the PC when the codes were rewritten in C and ported to the less expensive high performance computers that became available in the 1990's.

The initial rewritten code was ported to DOS then ported to Windows 98 and used extensively throughout the 1990's.  In the latter 1990's the DAQ code was again rewritten and ported to Linux to take advantage of this multiuser, multitasking virtual memory environment.  The current state of DAQ is a suite of software running on systems running Windows 98, RedHat Linux 5.2, RedHat Linux 6.2 and Scientific Linux SL release 3.0.9.

The design goal of DAQ is to provide a flexible data acquisition and experiment control environment that is adaptable to a multitude of types of experiments taking place in a nuclear physics research facility.

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