This page is maintained by J.Roche, please feel free to contribute to it (send me an email)
Last modified: September '12



Here is a collection of scholarships and internship programs I know of that are intended for undergraduate students but are not run by the Physics and Astronomy department at OU. Remember that you should apply to any scholarships because:

I would be very interested in knowing if one of you applies for (and get) one of these scholarships. Also keep in mind that I (and I'm sure pretty much anyone in the Physics department) would be happy to help out with the application.



Scholarship list:



Summer Internship list (most of them are payed internships):

The following list was found of this web site. I am not famiiar with those programs but it doesn't mean you cannot check them out.
Last modified: Wed Feb 19 12:46:49 EST 2014